kode telepon philippines


The Philippines is assigned an international dialing code of +63 by ITU-T. Telephone numbers are fixed at eight digits for area code 02 , and seven digits for area codes from 03X to 09X , with area codes fixed at one, two, or three digits (a six-digit system was used until the mid-1990s; four to five digits were used in the countryside).

Untuk panggilan dari Indonesia ke Filipina, Anda selalu dapat menggunakan kode negara 0063. Di negara lain, dua angka nol di depan harus diganti dengan kode akses yang berbeda. Kode panggilan internasional (+63) untuk Filipina berfungsi di semua negara di dunia. Namun, ini tidak didukung di semua jaringan dan oleh semua perangkat telepon.

Fixed phone numbers in Philippines are comprised of a single country code (+63), a 2-4 digit area code, and a 20-80 digit line code. Making a call with the wrong country, area, or region code can be costly. Browse our sites area and region codes by region and city to ensure you have the correct information for your calls.

For example, the area code for Metro Manila is 02, while Cebu's is 032. It is also essential to note that when calling from outside the Philippines, the country code 63 must be included before the area code and phone number. This article aims to provide accurate and up-to-date information on landline area codes in the Philippines.

For the Philippines, the country code is 63. After dialing your country's exit code, you should press 63 to signal to your network that the number you are dialing is a Filipino one. The country code, unlike your country's exit code, will always be the same.

Nomor Kode Telepon Negara Filipina adalah +63, Kode negara Filipina 63 akan memungkinkan Anda menelepon Filipina dari negara lain. Kode telepon Filipina 63 dipanggil setelah IDD. Panggilan internasional Filipina 63 diikuti oleh kode area. (Kode Negara→Kode Area/Kota→Nomor Telepon)

List of Telephone Area Codes. All telephone numbers in the country are regulated by the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC). Typically, a telephone number consists of seven digits (XXX-YYYY). However, since October 2019, numbers in certain areas were required to follow an eight-digit (XXXX-YYYY) format.

Police - 117. Local Telephone Prefix: 0 is the trunk code for Philippines. More ways to call Philippines: Call Philippines with Rebtel - Save 50% now! Map of Philippines. The Philippine country code and Philippines area code chart below gives you the necessary information for calling Philippine cities.

Telephone code: Philippines: Angeles City +63 455; Philippines: Bacolod City +63 34; Philippines: Cavite +63 46; Philippines: Cebu City +63 32; Philippines: Dagupan City +63 75; Philippines: Davao City +63 82; Philippines: General Santos +63 83; Philippines: Iloilo +63 33; Philippines: Manila +63 2; Philippines: Masbate +63 56; Philippines ...

Country Code 63 is for Philippines. The dialing code is also described as phone code 63 or dialing code 63 and is sometimes described as a calling code or international dialing code. The dialing code for Philippines is 63. The area code for Manila is 2. Dialing Code For Manila - Philippines.

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